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Posts Tagged 'car waxes'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'car waxes'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Take a peek at your seats - Janson’s Car Detailing & Valet Service

Everyone has an interior vehicle fabric preference, what is yours? Have you opted for leather, material or a combination of both?

Each option has positive and negative aspects, but things like longevity and stain removal isn’t a concern if you are dealing with Janson’s Car Detailing and Valet Service.

Post Easter CARnival - Janson's Car Valet Service in Port Elizabeth

Let’s face it, after a wonderful Easter Weekend away with the family and maybe even some furry friends, you may no longer recognize your car or want to admit that it belongs to you. Your car is going to need a full professional car wash valet service, at no ordinary place, but at the best Valet Centre in town.

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